The “Black Art” of Alexandria, Egypt ‘Alchemy’ means literally the ‘black art,’ because the word ‘alchemy’ is ultimately derived from the Egyptian khem, ‘black.’ Egypt referred to itself anciently as Khem or the ‘black land,’ for the fertile black soil irrigated by the Nile River, which supported crops to sustain human life, in […]
Archive | History of Alchemy
Candidate’s Introduction Part III: Chinese Alchemy
Ancient Roots: The Origins of Chinese Alchemy The first known alchemist was the Chinese Zou Yan (Tsou Yen), who lived at the same time that signs of alchemy arose in Babylon and Egypt, during the third and fourth centuries before the Western Christian Era.[1] In time, respected Chinese scholars, priests and even emperors, […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part II: Ancient Indian Alchemy
The Vedas: Ancient Indian Philosophy, Yoga, Alchemy & Magic Ancient Indian alchemy began with the Vedas, developed with yoga and blossomed into Tantra. India has been a land of diverse ideologies, but the first and principal manuscripts on Indian religion, the Vedas, have had an effect on every one. The Indian Vedic hymns […]