Alchemy Rising I found it strange that in my research I found no short, simple introduction to the first known alchemists in the Western world. A future blog article in Science Abbey (in progress) will address the rise of operative alchemy in context of the beginnings of ancient technology. What is interesting […]
Elixir of the All-Seeing Eye
The Elixir of the All-Seeing Eye of the Royal Art Society: Rite of the Immortal Empire, Inner Temple and Holy Throne All of the steps of the Alchemist’s Curriculum can be used to meditate or celebrate with ritual. Although ritual and mysticism are the particular focuses of the seventh and final step, it […]
How to Register as a Candidate
To join the Royal Art Society as a Candidate is FREE. There are no obligations or terms. We believe in a safe, healthy process to build community. In order to allow us to continue our mission, please contribute a donation of your choice, if you feel so inclined. Each of the three grades, should the […]
Consecration of a Temple of the Royal Art
Master of Ceremonies: “Whereas any religious house, hospital, school or other fit structure may be consecrated to the Great Work of the Royal Art, so that Light may be extended therein, may this peaceful communion rite duly mark the illumination of this temple.” Let the Master of Ceremonies ignite a torch before […]
Ancient Conceptions of Spirit and Deity
The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer [*] is the best treatise written upon the subject of primitive magic to date. This article can offer only a brief summary of what may be explored in Frazer’s classic and monumental survey. This is a necessary introduction to primal spirituality for everyone interested in human […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part VI: The Science of Symbolic Alchemy
Scientific Alchemy On the face of it inner alchemy may not seem scientific, it may feel religious or “spiritual.” However, alchemical symbolism is unlike religious symbolism in that it is not based on folk tale, ecstatic hallucination or conjecture on the affairs of supernatural beings. It is not the symbolism of any cult, […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part V: Origins of Western Alchemy: Magic and Science
The Dark Ages of Christian Europe This article is a short introduction to the relationship between magic, alchemy, science and religion. It takes just a very brief peek at the dark side of the Christian religion in regards freedom of thought and scientific advancement. The modern alchemist will note the holistic nature of […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part IV: Origins of Western Alchemy: The Mysteries and Science
The “Black Art” of Alexandria, Egypt ‘Alchemy’ means literally the ‘black art,’ because the word ‘alchemy’ is ultimately derived from the Egyptian khem, ‘black.’ Egypt referred to itself anciently as Khem or the ‘black land,’ for the fertile black soil irrigated by the Nile River, which supported crops to sustain human life, in […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part III: Chinese Alchemy
Ancient Roots: The Origins of Chinese Alchemy The first known alchemist was the Chinese Zou Yan (Tsou Yen), who lived at the same time that signs of alchemy arose in Babylon and Egypt, during the third and fourth centuries before the Western Christian Era.[1] In time, respected Chinese scholars, priests and even emperors, […]
Candidate’s Introduction Part II: Ancient Indian Alchemy
The Vedas: Ancient Indian Philosophy, Yoga, Alchemy & Magic Ancient Indian alchemy began with the Vedas, developed with yoga and blossomed into Tantra. India has been a land of diverse ideologies, but the first and principal manuscripts on Indian religion, the Vedas, have had an effect on every one. The Indian Vedic hymns […]